4/23/24 BOS: Board Honors Compassionate Pair, Nixes Compassion for Non-Citizens

(.05) The regular Tuesday morning meeting of the Shasta County Board of Supervisors was called to order at 9:00 a.m. April 23, 2024. District 3 Supervisor Mary Rickert was absent due to medical leave.


(3:19)  The Invocation was conducted by Pastor Alison Maki, Community United Methodist Church. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Supervisor Chris Kelstrom.


Members of the public may comment on any item on the Regular Calendar before or during the Board’s consideration of the item. Members of the public may also address matters scheduled for public hearings at the time such public hearings are opened for comment. Those wishing to participate in public comment for Regular Calendar items must submit a speaker request card to the Clerk of the Board before public comment on the item begins. Each speaker is allocated three minutes to speak. All speaker request cards submitted after public comment for each Regular Calendar item begins will not be heard by the Board.

Board Matters
(5:59) R1 Present Certificates of Recognition to Jerry Harral and Danny “Skippy” Abbott for their decades of service to unhoused individuals in the community (Sponsored by Supervisor Crye).
No Additional General Fund Impact

Simple Majority Vote

Redding City Council member Mark Mezzano made the presentation.

Redding City Council member Mark Mezzano.

“It’s my honor to recognize the selfless work of Jerry Harrell and Danny Abbott A K A Skippy. Skippy to his friends and all that cross his path. It’s my honor again for the the dedicated their time, their resources and their hearts to feeding the unsheltered without any governmental assistance in a world where many walk by. Without a second glance, Jerry and Skippy have stood out as beacons of hope. They saw a need within our community and they responded with action, not just words, their initiative, which I like to call Meals of Compassion started as a small act of kindness, but quickly grew into a movement that has touched the lives of countless individuals who struggle to find their next meal.

Jerry, with his unwavering determination has been the mastermind behind the Meals of Compassion. His ability to organize plan and execute large scale meal distributions is not only short of miraculous. He has worked tirelessly to ensure that quality nutritious food reaches those who need it most. Proving that one person’s dedication can indeed make a difference. Skippy, on the other hand, has been the heart of the operation. His empathy and genuine care for every single person is evident in his actions. They don’t just provide food. They offer a listening ear, a warm smile and a sense of dignity to everyone they encounter.

Together, Jerry and Skippy have shown us that when it comes to helping others, there are no barriers too large to overcome. They’ve not waited for change. They’ve become the change without any exception of recognition or reward. They have poured their energy into helping the unsheltered. Proving that true generosity knows no bounds. The work is a testament to the power of community and the impact of individual initiative. ”

Danny Abbott in green t-shirt, Jerry Harrell center front. Photo by David Muang.

There were 3 individual public commenters plus a group of six on R1.

Danny Abbott said,  “I just encourage you to love one another to not let theology or rules or doctrines get in your way. Go out, it’s gonna be summer, it’s gonna be hot, freeze a bottle of water and you go out and whoever don’t judge them by the exterior know their heart, give them that bottle of water because the Lord says that if you so much as exchange a cup of cold water, you will in no way go without a reward. And I tell you when the Lord gives him a reward, you can’t imagine what it’s going to be, but it’s going to be big. So go out and love your neighbor.” Jerry Harrell commented, “It’s a little scary at first, but soon you can read these people and they’re not scary. They’re lonely, they’re tired, they’re hurting and we just need to love each other. And also we need clothes, we need canned goods. If you  know someone struggling with drugs or alcohol, please contact me and I’ll help you in that direction.”

The motion to accept the certificates of recognition passed by unanimous vote.

(30:50)  R2 Take the following actions: (1) Receive a legislative update and consider action on specific legislation related to Shasta County’s legislative platform; (2) approve a letter of opposition to Assembly Bill 2882 which would amend the composition of the local Community Corrections Partnership (CCP) and the CCP Executive Committee; (3) approve a letter of opposition to Senate Bill 1057 which would implement an array of requirements related to the County’s juvenile justice system; (4) approve a letter of opposition to Senate Bill 1328 which would amend various sections of the Elections Code related to the conditions of approval for electronic voting systems and the maintenance of election data; (5) approve a letter to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife concerning the closures of commercial and recreational salmon fisheries; and (6) receive
Supervisors’ reports on countywide issues.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
Mike Bogue, a longtime fishing guide on the Sacramento River, president of NorCal Guidance Sportsman Association and on the board of directors of the Golden State Salmon Association, spoke about the economic benefits of sports fishing in Shasta County.

There was one public commenter on R2, who did not approve of SB 1328.

Shasta County CEO David Rickert.

(39:21) CEO Dave Rickert:   I will give you an update on the jail. On April 11 I attended the dedication ceremony at the new courthouse. Guest speaker, among others included Chief Justice of California, the honorable Patricia Guerrero.  We are still waiting for a notice of completion but we are exploring other avenues to expedite the utilization of the old courthouse. Moving on to  the community satisfaction survey, we’ve had so far 98 completed surveys since April 9, the top two departments  commented on were the board of supervisors and elections and we will shortly have detailed results available to the board of supervisors.  You’ve already mentioned all the letters of opposition and the  letter on salmon and this concludes my report.

District 2 Supervisor Tim Garman.

(40:22) Supervisor Tim Garman, District 2:   This last few weeks, I attended the PSA Area Agency on Aging. That was a zoom meeting,  which is, I don’t like the zoom meetings personally, but it is what it was.  I also attended an upper Clear Creek Resource Management Group meeting held out in the French Gulch last week.  That was a really, really good meeting. One of the most informative meetings I’ve been to that the private citizens put together. They had BLM was there. Whiskeytown National Recreation had a representative, two representatives there. Actually, Fire Wise was present and just a lot of great information went back and forth. One of the things that came out of that is there’s dead trees hanging over some of the roads out there. And if you guys know Whiskeytown is not a national park, it’s a National Recreation area where the county controls the roads. So there’s a little bit of confusion over how do we get these trees trimmed up? So I’ve talked with Troy Bartolomei. There’s gonna be a meeting with Troy and Josh at Whiskeytown and myself and we’re gonna come up with a plan to get out there and get some of these trees that are becoming dangerous at overhanging the roads that burned up in the car fire to get those taken care of. So that was just an amazing meeting. Thank you Judy for putting that together.

I attended the First Five meeting, a commission meeting as well  last Tuesday as very near the end of our meeting. I got a text from a constituent out in Keswick that somebody was coming back onto the property where the buses were and I sent a text during the meeting to Adam Fieslier at resource management and he said I can’t get anybody out there today.  Johnny Allen, we’re just so shorthanded. Make a long story short, Adam went out there himself. I ended up riding along with him after the meeting ended and the person was there. The same people that had the beagle dogs that had the puppy mill. They, she was parked back in there. We went up there and, and kindly asked her to leave and it is, she can’t be there and et cetera, et cetera.  The next day I rode back out there with Johnny from code enforcement and they were gone. They did not get set back up. So I just want to say thank you to resource management for just helping toe the line with that because if these people get established in these areas, it’s hard to get them off.  It takes dedication, it takes dedication from us and them and, and, and the whole thing works as a team.

 The NorCal Children’s Diabetes Club got rained out.  We had that at Kids Kingdom where we were attempted to  I did attend the airports for autism this last Saturday. That’s a great event. And then if you guys know anybody that deals with autism, come out for the Airports for Autism, they do it every year. They do a 5K run with it and it’s just,  they give you an understanding of just, even just sitting back where we were just kind of observing, it’s observed of the autistic community and, and, and what they deal with on a daily basis and to watch some of the parents with the little kids, the challenging lifestyles that they face it is, it has to be really hard for a parent. And the more we can educate the public about autism and give these services to these kids when they the earlier ages, it’s gonna help them tremendously. So I I urge you all to attend airports for autism next year. And I also attended a little bit of the Alliance Club Annual District 4-C1 convention which was held this weekend at the Red Lion Hotel.

Dist. 4 Supervisor Patrick Jones.

Supervisor Patrick Jones, District 4: First  back on April 13, a constituent called me  and alerted me to a bus that had arrived here in the Cty of Redding  over off of Churn Creek by Save Mart. Approximately 70 to 100 people exited that bus. I did go out there, Chair Crye also met me out there.  We did interview one of the individuals that that did not leave the area immediately.  They had stated they were from Mexico. The bus was chartered from Mexico as well. We’ll get into that  discussion a little bit later.

Also attended last week Shasta County Sheriff’s Awards ceremony. They do this every year. The Sheriff’s Department is doing a great job and they like to honor those that stand out. And this year, one that really stood out for me was 10 members of the Shasta County Sheriff’s Department that stepped forward to help us to fill the jail to get that back up to operations. They went above and beyond their normal duties and they, they stopped their normal assignments to come to the jail in a time that we really needed them. And so they were honored there as well. I was able to go to a celebration of life out at the Igo Cemetery for Fred Salanti. And  Fred was  a giant of a man in the veterans community. He founded and co-founded the Missing in America project. He was able to go to Congress and with congressional support, he was able to pick up soldiers’ remains left behind at mortuaries and properly and turn them anywhere in the United States. And he was directly responsible for that. He was also one of the founders of the Patriot Guard writers which were still active that honor our veterans. Every week here in Shasta County had a Redding Area Bus Authority meeting, those go on routinely.  I represent Shasta County for the next four months. So, if I’m not mistaken, everyone will be able to ride Redding Area Bus Authority buses for free. So they do this every year to try to encourage membership and hopefully that goes on into the future.

I also had a CSA 6 in Jones Valley. This is one of the water districts that I sit on and they’ve had, if you were familiar with Jones Valley, they had a slide a few years ago that washed out all three of their pumps, which was the only way they received water. The county stepped in,  found a grant immediately,  replaced two of those pumps and then proceeded to start replacing all the meters with new modern meters. The CSA 6 had a large water leak  that was very costly to the residents.  They have some of the highest water costs in the county by replacing the two pumps and also replacing most of the meters. They’re now down to a very livable water loss within CSA 6. And so the residents, there have been very pleased with what’s happening lately and their water system. So that’s, that’s good.

Also with 6 Supervisor Garman PSA too, that’s the Area Agency on Aging. I’m just an alternate on that.  it is a Zoom meeting and Supervisor Garman, I know I don’t like Zoom meetings very much as well, but this is a multi county meeting. And so people from Siskiyou County and other counties, Lassen County would have to drive all the way to one central location or we would have to go there. And so in this particular case a Zoom meeting actually is probably preferable. It just simply saves a lot of money.  The PSA area agency on aging  is working hard on food programs throughout I think seven counties and  making some progress, they were highly affected during COVID. A lot of services disrupted and they’re back on track now.  Of course,  this is a Kool April Nights. I went to a show and shine in Palo Cedro last night, just encouraging everyone to get out to all the show and shines. There’ll be dozens of them today and throughout the remainder of the week. Support all those organizations. Last night was  by  the Palo Cedro Chamber of Commerce, but there are many. Shasta Lake City will have some tomorrow.  And then that’ll end this weekend.

And then lastly yesterday I attended a Shasta County Election  Commission meeting and I know you were there as well, so I appreciate you being there.  And there was some pretty  eye-opening information that was presented at that commission meeting. That’s why I appreciate having a Shasta County Election Commission.  Dr. Laura Hobbs and her team were present through much of the process of counting the ballots at the elections office here in downtown reading. And so they took probably as many as 20 days marking down as the batches came in as the precincts came in and the number of ballots that were processed at every precinct marking those down and then checking those with the audit log from Shasta County. And what we found was pretty startling. We found, or actually Dr. Hobbs found that at least one third of the time the audit logs did not correspond with what occurred only on election day, did the audit logs to A T match only election day prior and after serious and very much concerning lack of consistency with what actually occurred and the actual audit log, the audit in itself failed. This is of great concern. This is one of the reasons, this is the main reason why I did not certify the election, the election results. We have a failed audit and it is startling that no one from the election’s office was watching those ballots come in in real time and then checking them with the audit log only. Dr. Laura Hobbs and her team were able to do that at great time and to no  cost to them. And they saw great discrepancies, these are the same discrepancies that we saw in 2022. That election day results mirrored one thing, but everything before and after were very different and that’s exactly what we saw  in this primary in 2024. We will have a closed session on this topic today and I hope we have some reportable action thereafter. Chair, that ends my reports.

Supervisor Chris Kelstrom, District 5: On April 10, the day after our last meeting, I was at a Cottonwood Chamber of Commerce meeting. We’re planning the Cottonwood rodeo. So that’s coming up very quickly, Friday, May May 10. We’ll have the kiddy parade in  Front Street. And I think there’s also a dinner dance that night. On May 11 Saturday morning, we’ll have the regular parade in Cottonwood and that’ll follow immediately by the rodeo, which is both Saturday and Sunday of Mother’s Day weekend. Then on April 11, I went to Anderson Library the Week of the Child event. It was a great event. My goodness, there’s a couple of hundred people, a couple of hundred kids there. And  with their parents and everything else and it was,  we had a county ag department was there handing out samples of honey and, and nuts that we, you know, grow here in the county. Great event. The kids all had bags full of toys and books and games and I mean, they were running around. It was, it was a wonderful day. They do it every year. That was the first time I had made it. So I will have that on my calendar every year from there forward.

April 12 in Cottonwood on Friday morning, we were working on at the community center  putting in a swing. It was kind of a cool thing and one of the gals that was volunteering has a daughter that’s in a wheelchair. So this is if, you know, I’ve never seen one before, but it’s almost like a  giant child seat where you could put somebody in and strap them in and then actually use it as a swing set. So it’s kind of cool. And we worked on some other stuff there, some cornhole games or board games and stuff. And then Saturday, I had the Shingletown Volunteer Fire Department breakfast. Normally I have two breakfasts the second Saturday of every month, but they canceled the one in Anderson because they had a fundraiser that night. So I only had to have one breakfast, but I got to see all my Shingletown folks up there. So that was a great time.

And then April 16, I went to the Asphalt Cowboys luncheon, the Media Appreciation luncheon,  Supervisor Crye was there also,  great event as always.  And then April 16 I also had the Anderson City Council meeting that night  where they wrote an opposition letter for the Fountain Wind Project. It passed unanimously with the Anderson City Council.   Anderson City Council meetings are very pleasurable.They go very smoothly. This coming Thursday, we have the volunteer awards up there and we also have the appreciation for the public works. They’re on the same day at the same time, like they were last year. So last year I made the public works. I didn’t make the volunteers. Both of them are extremely important to me.  I’ll probably have to flip a coin. I talked to Supervisor Jones. I know he’s going to go to the Volunteers Awards. So I may have to go to the public works, but please don’t take any offense. The only reason I’m not there is I can’t be in two places at one time.

So that concludes my report usually a 50 vote on just about everything. And then I’m gonna save, I’ll save the Sheriff’s Department Awards because I have to address something there. Sheriff, I see you in the room. So , Friday or Thursday, I went to the CASA rural counties caucus meeting down in Sacramento. So we were caucusing with the  rural counties and we fit in very well, much, much better with the rural counties  I believe, than the suburban counties. And then the day before that I did go to the Sheriff’s Department Awards in City of Shasta Lake, great event.  Once again we,  this coming Thursday, we have the volunteer awards up there and we also have the appreciation for the public works. They’re on the same day at the same time, like they were last year. So last year I made the public works. I didn’t make the volunteers. Both of them are extremely important to me.  I’ll probably have to flip a coin. I talked to Supervisor Jones. I know he’s going to go to the  volunteers Awards. So I may have to go to the public works, but please don’t take any offense. The only reason I’m not there is I can’t be in two places at one time. So that concludes my report.

(53:34) Supervisor Jones:  I forgot to mention one thing just I appreciate the time.  I have been working with CEO Rickert and next month I am going to bring back, the discussion on raises for Shasta County Board of Supervisors, as I promised that it would most likely come back. We had this discussion last year and it will be back next month sometime.

Dist. 1 Supervisor/Chair Kevin Crye.

(53:59) Supervisor Kevin Crye, District 1: I’m gonna start with I had a great meeting with Senator Brian Dahle’s district rep, Mr. Bruce Ross, we discussed his responsibilities as a rep and just at, at a senate level what he’s able to accomplish. So, one of the things I’ve been working with  support services and the CEO is looking at like Butte County and there’s other counties that are our size or even smaller that do have staff for each individual supervisor. One of the things I will say since this last election, the, amount of inbound people coming to me asking for help in different types of situations is not overwhelming but it’s humbling but it’s hard to sometimes say who gets help and how fast and when. So in this conversation, Monica Fugitt and her department is going to bring something back. I’ve made it pretty open ended sometime. Probably in May. We’ll have a  discussion of what that could look like. Would be a constituent services individual to help just more people because that’s what’s really, really important to me.

The second is we had, I had a CSA rural caucus meeting that was done virtually. I chose not to leave the county to actually go down to CSA that following week. And I asked Supervisor Kelstrom to fill in for me, which he did. My granddaughter was due and she’s still due. She’s nine days overdue now. So, yeah. And so I appreciate Supervisor Kelstrom going down there and I agree it was, it was really refreshing to be on that zoom with many counties that are geographically close to us and getting us rowing in the same direction I think is going to be very positive for tourism because we have to get this, we have to get this jail built. And I’ve spent a lot of time with the sheriff and I have spent some time together again. I’ve said this before. I would love to have a great facility outside the city limits. But I’d also like to have the Yankees  play maybe in Palo Cedro. And we can’t afford either. So, I don’t even know that we can afford a whole lot next door. But we have to start getting as much revenue into the county as we can. And one way to do that where I think we’re really missing the boat is through tourism dollars.

So the rural caucus had some great ideas and we’re working hard on that. Had this a few discussions with Laura Burch and her department about audits. I’m looking forward to seeing what she’s working on and bringing that forward like Supervisor Kelstrom mentioned, attended the asphalt cowboys luncheon preparing for the Redding rodeo. CEO Rickert was there as well. We are actually working on a letter that we’re going to send to the City of Redding on the county stance on the rodeo grounds. And I believe that is hallowed ground here in Shasta County. And I want the county stance very public  about that and what the rodeo  means to the people of this county and not just the event but the actual grounds that it sits on.

I attended the Shasta County Volunteer Awards ceremony for  volunteer fire firefighters. I attended that with CEO Rickert. And I gotta tell you, Sean o’Hara, who’s our CalFire chief here at the county. He does a phenomenal job and there’s a lot of people that make all those different companies up and some people, one person was recognized for 40 years of service, which I thought that was pretty  amazing. I met with a constituent on  looking into something and this is something that CEO Rickert is gonna work with me as well as  Miguel from child support services about. If you’re a next of kin or a grandparent and your child passes away or dies and you now have custody of their kids. I’m looking at a different, what we could do because for there’s one family that has adopted kids prior to their daughter’s passing, that was very expensive. Their daughter passed and now they’re adopting the rest of them and the adoption fees there, there’s, there doesn’t appear to be any help. Now, I’m just saying that I’m sure there are programs out there, but I’m just saying it in this format. So people know what I’m working on. So,  please reach out to me, but I will be asking CEO Rickert and Miguel with child support services to see what we could do as a county to help individuals in that situation.

I am continuing my coffee on Athens at eight o’clock every Friday at the Kaleidoscope on Athens. I would ask that if you could start maybe coming at 7:37, 45, get your coffee, whatever you’re gonna do and start bringing lawn chairs because we’re taking up all the seats and we’re moving it outdoors now. So maybe bring a lawn chair. And what we do from that is roughly from 7:45 to 9:00. Sometimes it’s gone to, even to 11. It’s just an open forum to have discussions, not arguments.  there is no three minute clock, And I’ll do this as long as people show up and people are cordial to one another. And again I will say this Friday there is a flag raising at nine at the courthouse for Children’s  awareness Month. So I will be out of there by roughly 8:45, 8:50. So I’ll be there a little early this week.

The last thing I want to bring up is, I had a radio show this week and I had a couple of individuals on it was a grandmother  again,  constituents in my district and, and all these items  I’m talking about are people in my district. But I had a grandmother and a mother on whose daughter and granddaughter was violated, molested at work. And the individual was arrested in August bonded out in three days. That’s the law. That’s the way that goes. What was really troubling to me. And then they reached out to me about a month ago. So I’ve been working on this a while and we went back and forth, what I could do to help them tell their story. And and they were, they were dissuaded by, from what I’m told the district attorney’s office from doing any kind of picketing or anything else because the individual runs a business within 100 or 200, 300 yards of five schools. Now, their daughter was 15 when this happened. My daughter, my middle daughter is 15. So this hits very, very close to home for me. And,  my wife taught at Shasta. There’s a lot of kids that walk Eureka Way. You have Shasta High school, U Prep, Freedom, Pioneer, I believe North State Music. So there’s five schools. So I’m gonna ask CEO Rickert to contact the District Attorney’s office. I would like a presentation on the two things. One, I would like a presentation of what the public can do to bring light to situations where you have an individual that has been arrested, admitted to all of the misdeeds, the sexual battery of a child and operates a business within, you know, a few hundred yards of multiple schools. What we could do as the public because here’s what happens is we all see RPD on Facebook, puts people’s pictures up, but there’s so much noise that Facebook or pictures or articles, you know, it just, everything gets drowned. But I had another constituent yesterday drive by and took videos inside the business and it’s littered with kits, littered with kits. And that is something I’m not going to be silent about. And I want to know what the hierarchy tree of prosecution,  prosecutorial crimes if you will. I’d like the district attorney to tell us how she’s ranking what she’s filing. And  the second is I want to know what people in the public can do because what I don’t want is vigilante justice. I don’t want dads or grandfathers or uncles or moms going places and seeking vengeance on their own. But having a person who’s been out for eight months, with what they’ve done and I’ve read the police reports. I’ve been through this and it’s not OK. And now that I’ve gone down this road, there’s many more people that are reaching out and if we can’t defend kids, I don’t know what we’re doing.

(1:02:37) There  were two more public commenters. One descirbed Laura Hobbs as obtuse. The other spoke negatively about the Fountain Wind Project.
R2 passed by unanimous vote.
(1:09:44) R3 Receive a presentation from the Sheriff’s Office regarding Border control and adopt a resolution regarding response and services to the abandonment of asylum seekers and noncitizen migrants in Shasta County (Sponsored by Supervisor Crye).
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote

Shasta County Sheriff Michael Johnson

(1:11:26) Sheriff Michael Johnson made a 20-minute presentation of his observances from a three-day trip to the San Diego/San Ysidro/Tijuana area including his conversations with border agents, the policies and procedures for processing people entering this country, the amount of illegal drugs confiscated at the border as well as smuggling done by U.S. citizens, and conversations with FBI agents.

There was a lengthy discussion following the presentation. Supervisor Crye mentioned his wife twice, who was born in Norway. Supervisor Kelstrom stated he  has a friend whom the FBI wanted to work on an anti-terrorism task force, who told him there are 4800 known terrorists in the United Stated who passed through the border. Supervisor Jones returned to his account of the bus that stopped in Redding with what he described as 70 or 80 immigrants.  ” I mean, we interviewed one of the individuals, the only one that was left… he said he was from Mexico.  He said Mexico. but the other, but, that may not, the other three were from Guatemala. Yeah, they, that may not be true. I didn’t think he, he didn’t look Mexican to me.”
(1:43:46) There were 16 public commenters. Five were in favor of adopting R3. Eleven were opposed.
Supervisor Garman made a substitute motion to bring R3 back with the sheriff to discuss it further. The motion did not have a second. R3 passed 3-0 with Garman abstaining.
(2:43:45) BOS moved to public comments on Closed Session items. There was one commenter, Delores Lucero, who commented on R13.
The Board of Supervisors will recess to a Closed Session to discuss the following item (estimated 2 hours 15 minutes):
(Government Code section 54956.9):
Case Name:
Wilson v. County of Shasta 24CV-204346
Kropholler v. County of Shasta, et al. 22CV-0199716
(Government Code section 54956.9(b)):
Initiation of Litigation: One case
(Government Code section 54956.9(b)):
Significant Exposure to Litigation: ACLU of Northern California, et al.
(Government Code section 54956.9):
Case Name:
Hobbs v. County of Shasta (24CV-0204675)
Worker’s Compensation Case #22-0257 Lauser
Significant Exposure to Litigation: One potential case
(Government Code section 54957)
Title: County Counsel
At the conclusion of the Closed Session, reportable action, if any, will be reported in Open Session.
(2:46:56) BOS adjourned for lunch and then Closed Session items.
(2:47:00) BOS returned.
County Counsel Wheeler: With regard to R10,  County Counsel Larmour is recused from that matter, was not present in closed session. I was in his place. There’s no reportable action.
(2:47:34) County Counsel Larmour: The only reporter will action is on R13. Direction was given to staff to retain outside counsel to assist in the matter.
Item C8 was pulled pending further discussion. The Consent Calendar was opened to public comments. There were five commenters.
(3:07:09) Item C8 came back for further discussion. Tom Schreiber, Chief Information Officer for Shasta County, spoke about it including his extensive experience with Crowdstrike. There were two public commenters on C8, both of whom opposed it.
C8 was passed 3- 1, Supervisor Jones voting no.
(3:18:43) R4 Receive a presentation from the Sheriff’s Office acknowledging Shasta County Sheriff’s Office volunteers.
No Additional General Fund Impact
No Vote
Administrative Sheriff Bryan Sancibrian made the presentation. There is a Volunteer Appreciation luncheon this week honoring the approximately 400 volunteers including
he Sheriff’s Office has approximately 400 volunteers including chaplaincy, asphalt cowboys, reserves, explorers, search and rescue, and citizens volunteer patrols.
Veterans Services Office
(3:22:32) R5 Receive an update regarding the Gulf War Veterans Monument and provide direction to staff regarding replacing the stolen memorial piece (Sponsored by Supervisor Jones).
General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
Supervisor Jones said he had spoken to at least one company that could create a replacement memorial for the one that went missing.  He estimated it would cost approximately $2000 – $3000. There was discussion about ensuring the names on it were updated. The City of Redding will install it when completed. mm There was discussion about  community donations toward the replacement. The motion passed unanimously.
During the Public Comment Open Time period, the public may address the Board on any matter not listed on the agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Each speaker is allocated three minutes to speak. Those wishing to participate in Public Comment – Open Time must submit a speaker request card to the Clerk of the Board before the meeting begins. All speaker request cards submitted after the meeting begins will be heard by the Board once all items on the agenda have been considered. Any public comment not heard prior to the 12:00 p.m. recess will be heard after the Board reconvenes from Closed Session and all agenda items have been considered.
The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They may be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any Board member or staff member may request that an item be removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion and consideration. Members of the public will be provided with a single opportunity to comment on one or more items on the Consent Calendar before the Board’s consideration of the Consent Calendar. Those wishing to participate in public comment for the Consent Calendar items must submit a speaker request card to the Clerk of the Board before public comment for the Consent Calendar begins. Each speaker is allocated three minutes to speak. All speaker request cards submitted after public comment for the Consent Calendar begins will not be heard by the Board.
County Clerk-Elections
C1 Approve a one-time purchase of uninterruptable power supply devices.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
County Counsel
C2 Ratify Acting County Counsel’s signature to the agreement with Greene & Roberts, LLP, for legal services with no maximum compensation.
General Fund Impact
4/5 Vote
County Fire
C3 Take the following actions: (1) Approve the purchase of two Type I Fire Engines; (2) waive competitive procurement to purchase four Type VI Fire Engines, and one Breathing Support Unit vehicle; and (3) approve a budget amendment increasing appropriations by $3,762,693 in the Fire Budget (BU 00391) offset by use of Restricted Fund Balance.
No General Fund Impact
4/5 Vote
Health and Human Services Agency-Behavioral Health and Social Services
C4 Adopt a proclamation which designates May 2024 as “Mental Health Awareness Month” in Shasta County.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
Health and Human Services Agency-Economic Mobility
C5 Adopt a resolution which designates authority to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Redding, subrecipient agreements, amendments, and other required documents for application for, and expenditure of, Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention (HHAP) Round 5 funds in the amount of $1,397,559.41.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
Health and Human Services Agency-Public Health
C6 Approve an agreement with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders Association, Inc., dba Alzheimer’s Association, for Alzheimer’s related media campaigns and education and designate signing authority for amendments and other necessary documents.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
C7 Approve an agreement with Clear Labs, Inc., dba Clear Labs, for one Clear Labs Dx™ sequencing instrument purchase, service plan, and reagent purchase.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
Information Technology
C8 Approve an agreement with CrowdStrike for subscription licenses and designate authority to purchase additional licenses and subscription renewals.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
C9 Approve a retroactive renewal agreement with Butte County for mutual provision of temporary secure detention non-exclusive space for detained youth during an emergency evacuation.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
C10 Approve an agreement with the Shasta County Child Abuse Prevention Coordinating Council for prevention programs and services at the Anderson Teen Center which expands services and increases compensation for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2023-24.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
Public Works
C11 Find the “2024 Overlay Project,” Contract No. 702014, categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 14 CCR Section 15301, Class 1-Existing Facilities, approve plans and specifications and direct the Public Works Director to advertise for bids, and authorize the opening of bids on or after May 23, 2024, 11:00 a.m.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
C12 Find the conveyance of a utility easement to Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) for revised electrical service to an existing County facility categorically exempt in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15301 – Existing Facilities and adopt a resolution which: (1) Approves the conveyance of a utility easement to PG&E for revised electrical service to the Bella Vista Fire Station for the sum of $500; (2) finds that the utility easement is in the public interest and will not substantially conflict or interfere with the use of the property by the County; and (3) that the proposed value is fair and reasonable.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
C13 Award “Public Health Laboratory HVAC and Roof Replacement Project,” Contract No. 610571, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Gifford Construction, Inc., and approve and authorize the Public Works Director, or their designee, to sign a Notice of Completion and record it within 15 days of actual completion of the work.
General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
C14 Take the following actions regarding the “Shasta County Jail Inmate Transportation & Courtroom Repurposing (ITCR) Project,” Contract No. 610590 (Contract): (1) Award the Contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Gifford Construction, Inc., on a lump sum basis, in the amount of $8,162,000; (2) approve and authorize the Public Works Director, or their designee, to sign a Notice of Completion and record it within 15 days of actual completion of the work; and (3) approve a budget amendment transferring appropriations in the amount of $1,410,000 in the Land Buildings & Improvements Budget (BU 166) from Account 061177 to Account 061196.
Future General Fund Impact
4/5 Vote
C15 Approve an agreement with NJ Associates, Inc., dba NJA Architecture, for architectural and engineering services for the “Shasta County Coroner’s Building Expansion Project,” Contract No. 610978, (Project) and find the Project to be categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Class 1 – Existing Facilities, Section 15303, Class 3 – New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures, and Section 15304, Class 4 – Minor Alterations to Land.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
C16 Adopt a resolution which designates authority to sign the Federal Apportionment Exchange Program and State Match Program Agreement No. X24-5906(145) (Agreement) and approves the Agreement with the State of California through its Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to exchange Regional Surface Transportation Program funds for State Highway funds.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
C17 Approve a retroactive agreement with California Safety Company, Inc., for alarm leasing and monitoring services.
General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
C18 Waive competitive procurement requirements, due to limitations on the source of supply, and authorize the purchase of one Ford F150 truck from Folsom Lake Ford.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
C19 Take the following actions: (1) Waive competitive procurement requirements; (2) approve an agreement with Axon Enterprise, Inc., for Axon Taser 10 Conducted Energy Weapons; (3) approve a budget amendment increasing revenue by $208,534 in the Sheriff’s Budget (BU 235) offset with StathamRobbins Criminal Construction Administration funds; and (4) approve a budget amendment increasing appropriations by $208,534 in the Statham-Robbins Criminal Construction Administration Budget (BU 00810).
General Fund Impact
4/5 Vote
C20 Approve a renewal revenue agreement with the California Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways, for boating and enforcement activities on Shasta County waterways, excluding Whiskeytown Lake.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
Support Services
C21 Adopt a resolution which approves an amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding between the United Public Employees of California – General Unit (UPEC – General) and the County of Shasta covering the period of January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2024.
General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
Veterans Services Office
C22 Adopt a resolution which repeals Resolution No. 2022-070 and designates authority to purchase promotional items associated with outreach activities by the Veterans Services Office.
Future General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
Support Services
(3:34:40) R6 Adopt a resolution which: (1) Waives Shasta County Personnel Rule 6.12, Merit Principles, in connection with the appointment of an Interim County Counsel; (2) retroactively appoints Alan B. Cox as Interim County Counsel for the period of February 3, 2024, through April 7, 2024; and (3) establishes Mr. Cox’s compensation at the F-step salary range for the position of Interim County Counsel (Sponsored by Supervisor Crye).
General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
There was a brief discussion of the work Alan Cox had accomplished during his time as Interim County Counsel. There were no public commenters. R6 passed by unanimous vote.
A court challenge to action taken by the Board of Supervisors on any project or decision may be limited to only those issues raised during the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Board of Supervisors during, or prior to, the scheduled public hearing.
Resource Management
(3:39:08) R7 Take the following actions: (1) Conduct a public hearing; (2) find that Zone Amendment 23-0005 is not subject to, and is exempt from, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Sections 15137 and 15300.2(c); (3) adopt the recommended findings listed in Planning Commission Resolution 2024-001; (4) introduce, waive the reading of, and enact, “An Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Shasta Amending Ordinance Number 378, the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Shasta, a Portion of the Zoning Plan (Zone Amendment 23-0005 – David and Andrea Scott),” to amend the Zoning Plan of the County of Shasta identified as Zone Amendment 23-0005; and (5) in accordance with California Government Code Section 51257 and pursuant to the findings described therein rescind the Williamson Act contract that affects the approximately 1.36-acre project site and enter into new Williamson Act Contracts 23-0001 (A) and (B) to facilitate approval of a proposed property line adjustment involving two ranches currently restricted by a Williamson Act contract located in the Igo area, approximately 0.6 miles northwest of the intersection of South Fork Road and Bender Road (Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APN’s) 041-330-052, 041-330-053 (portion), 041-330-056, 041-330-054, 041-330-055, and 041-380-027 (portion) as those APN’s are assigned for purposes of the 2024 Regular Assessment Roll).
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
Leo Salazar, Resource Management, made the presentation. There was one public commenter who spoke on behalf of both landowners. R7 passed by unanimous vote.
(3:53:35) R8 Take the following actions: (1) Conduct a public hearing; (2) find that Zone Amendment 23-0007 is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines section 15061(b)(3); (3) adopt the recommended findings listed in Planning Commission Resolution 2024-003; and (4) introduce, waive the reading of, and enact, “An Ordinance of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Shasta Amending Chapters 17.02 and 17.88 of the Shasta County Code Concerning the Regulation of Intermodal Shipping Containers” identified as Zone Amendment 23-0007.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
Adam Fieseler made the presentation.  There were three public commenters. There was a discussion about proper protocol should the BOS decide to amend R8. In the end, it was passed as written by unanimous vote.
Presentations, Continued
(4:34:12) R9 Receive an annual update from the Shasta Public Libraries Director on the Shasta Public Library System.
No Additional General Fund Impact
No Vote
Jared Tolman, Shasta County Library Director, made the presentation.
(4:48:35) Open Public Comment began. There were nine public commenters.
(5:13:51) Meeting adjourned.


Barbara Rice

Barbara Rice is anewscafe.com's administrative assistant. She grew up in Igo listening to the devil's music, hearing tales of WWII, and reading James Thurber and Mad Magazine while dreaming of travel to exotic lands. She graduated from Shasta High School, Shasta College, and San Francisco State University. After too many blistering Sacramento Valley summers, she's traded it all for the ocean breezes of Humboldt County. She's been told she's a bad influence and that makes her very happy. She tweets, travels, and spoils cats. There's a dance in the old dame yet.

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