(.15) The regularly scheduled Tuesday morning meeting of the Shasta County Board of Supervisors was called to order at 9 a.m. on April 9, 2024. The complete agenda and video are available here. Timestamps are in parentheses.
(2:37) Supervisor Kevin Crye: I’d also like to inform everyone that the April 16 Board of Supervisors meeting has been canceled due to lack of items. The next regularly scheduled meeting after that will be April 23 at the same time, 9 a.m.
(3:41) Chief Deputy Clerk of the Board Stefany Blankenship: I would like to inform the public that Supervisor Rickert has notified the Clerk of the Board of a leave of absence due to medical reasons effective April 8, 2024. As such, any board or boards or commissions she was appointed to through chairman appointments will be attended by the designated alternate.
(4:11) The invocation was conducted by Pastor James Voss, First Presbyterian Church. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Supervisor Tim Garman.
Members of the public may comment on any item on the Regular Calendar before or during the Board’s consideration of the item. Members of the public may also address matters scheduled for public hearings at the time such public hearings are opened for comment. Those wishing to participate in public comment for Regular Calendar items must submit a speaker request card to the Clerk of the Board before public comment on the item begins. Each speaker is allocated three minutes to speak. All speaker request cards submitted after public comment for each Regular Calendar item begins, will not be heard by the Board.
Board Matters
(5:25) R1 Take the following actions: (1) Receive a legislative update and consider action on specific legislation related to Shasta County’s legislative platform; (2) consider written requests from Supervisor-Elect(s) to attend the 2024 California State Association of Counties (CSAC) Legislative Conference in lieu of the New Supervisor Institute as authorized by Ordinance No. SCC 2012-10; (3) and receive Supervisors’ reports on countywide issues.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
(6:11) Public comments began.
The first commenter, Dawn Duckett, suggested “It would be great if for this item in the future, for you to hold public comment until after we’ve had the opportunity to hear the board reports for the week.” Supervisor Crye agreed and said the public commenters would be called back up after the supervisor reports.
(7:21) CEO Dave Rickert: I have one piece of legislation for your consideration. I would request opposition to Senate Bill 1328 by Senator Blakes bear. This bill has numerous modifications to the existing California election code. While a lot of the proposed election changes are, are positive and will increase security with the election process. This bill has two major flaws. First, it would seal the records of the cast vote and could only be released by court order which is very problematic. Also this delegates a lot of ministerial functions to the Secretary of State to make decisions that before were enacted by state statute for those two reasons. I would encourage the board to support a letter of opposition to that bill and chair, I would make a motion that we would send such a letter off. I will bring that forward at a later date.
Going on to other county business. I have no update from last week. From the jail. I did attend last Friday, the Shasta County Veterans Awards dinner. It was a great event. There were 200 people there and it’s great that we are honoring our veterans in Shasta County.
Finally, we have the request from two of our incoming supervisors to attend a conference that Chairman Crye had mentioned for your consideration and that concludes my report.
(9:01) Supervisor Chris Kelstom, District 5: Thursday had another meeting done in Cottonwood with the developers and there was representatives there from Dahle’s office as well as LaMalfa’s office. The EDC was also there. I met the new leader of the Economic Development Committee. Again, it’s a huge project. The developers kind of want to still keep it under wraps a little bit. There, you’ll be hearing more about it very soon. Friday night, I attended some sort of an election party. I don’t remember who it was for. But, anyways Friday night, I was at an election party and then, Sunday, I had breakfast at the Anderson Senior Center in Anderson there. And then tomorrow night there’s a Cottonwood Chamber of Commerce meeting.
I’d like to address an issue that’s happening up in Shingletown. I see our sheriff is here today and I want to personally thank him, give him a shout out. So we had a horrific attack up in Shingletown. Private parties. Dogs got loose. They’re like wolf hybrids and killed a family’s dog on their property and it was pretty horrific. Our animal controls went up there. They got what was told to be the leader of the pack from the individual that owned the dogs. They set out traps. Emotions are very high. I contacted the sheriff and immediately he got out a press release immediately. Which again, thank you very much, Sheriff. Some of the citizens up in Shingletown weren’t real happy with it just, I mean, there’s literally a couple of words in there and again, emotions are extremely high up there. The people are scared. This pack of dogs has really been causing some havoc. But what they need to also realize is the sheriff’s department and animal control’s hands are a little bit tied because both parties have rights here. So, you know, the individual that has the dogs that attack the other dog, he still has rights, he still has his constitutional rights. You can’t just go in there and take his dogs without due process. So it’s a tricky situation again, very high, highly emotional. And so sheriff again, thank you very much. The second press release that came out, I think yesterday, hopefully calm some fears up there and hopefully we can get this thing processed and over with. So that concludes my report.
(11:07) Supervisor Patrick Jones, District 4: Thank you, Chair and thank you, CEO Rickert for alerting us to SB 1328 to seal the records on the vote cast record is exactly the wrong thing to do. We’ve known for the last several years that the vote cast record is a very valuable tool for the public to watch ballots and watch votes, how they come in in real time. And then you can take a look and see if there’s any nefarious activity by sealing this information. It’s exactly one of the main tools that we use to see if there’s any wrongdoing in an election. And so it seems like every time we hit upon something here in Shasta County and throughout the state, the state wants to pass an election law to go around us. It almost seems like it every single time. So hopefully SB 1328 does not pass and, and I thank you CEO Rickert for alerting that to us this last week.
I was in court on my range and normally I wouldn’t talk about that. But I wanted to just bring it up briefly in that County Counsel at the time Alan Cox was there just to alert the judge that the county would not be taking any participation in that matter, that I have my own private attorney. And from that moment on my attorney will handle all the cases. I just wanted to allow the public to know that the county is not involved in that case. I have my own private attorney and so I won’t be talking about that going forward, but I did want to bring it up because Council Alan Cox from the county was there to make that very clear.
I did attend Kevin Crye’s Victory Party. There was very little food there. So I did not stay very long. There was cookies, I believe. Had another election integrity meeting. And again, these are held almost every week throughout the state and a lot of good information there very timely. And then yesterday I did attend the Shasta County Election Commission, but unfortunately we did not have a quorum. We had a couple of members out and on that subject, I wanted to make mention that my appointment to the election, she’s also going to be resigning. She’s given her letter of resignation for April 22. This will give me time to make the replacement. So we have a good transition and continue to have a quorum. I have selected Patty Plumb to take her place and we will make that replacement either on the 23 or the 30 or whatever that time will be. And then I also wanted to make mention that by request of Supervisor Rickert asked Miss Baremore to resign and she has agreed. We will see if Supervisor Rickert replaces that position or not. That is unknown at this time and chair. That’s all I have.
(14:03) Supervisor Tim Garman, District 2: Good morning, everyone. I hope you all had a great weekend and, and here we are on Tuesday. I attended the Nor-Cal Children’s Diabetes Club. We had a tie dye party where we got to have the kids tie dye blue t-shirts, which blue is the color for Type 1 diabetes. Really special on that particular day. There was quite a few kids that showed up including a newly diagnosed eight year old who was just diagnosed within the last two weeks. So they’ve been out of the hospital for like five days or set up at the event. It’s really a fun time this coming Saturday. There’s also an event at 10:30 at Kids Kingdom. So kids with Type 1 diabetes, send them out there at 10:30. It’s supposed to be raining by looking at the latest forecast. So we’ll be under the structures there So I’m trying to stay dry. I also attended the Poppy Festival in the town of Old Shasta. And I just want to give a huge shout out to the town of Old Shasta Interpretive Association. They put on a great event. There was a huge crowd out there all day long and I really enjoy the time to get out there and talk with my constituents and Joyce if you’re listening, I really enjoyed our time talking. It was a lot of fun but they do a great event. You guys, if you’ve never been out to the Shasta Poppy Festival, they do it every year. Get out there and go. That’s one of the things I’ve enjoyed about being a supervisor is, it takes me out to my community even more so than I was as a private citizen. And there’s so many wonderful events that happen in this county that we can all take advantage of. So get out there next year and check that out.
I also attended the LAFCO meeting that was yesterday. I met with Adam Fieseler at Resource Management. We talked about some code enforcement issues and some blight out in the area of Keswick. We’re still fighting that as we have been since day one since I took the office and we’re not going to give up on that right now. We’re trying to reach back out to the owner if you all remember where the two buses were parked just before you get into Old Shasta. The buses are gone but the trash is still there. There’s a group of citizens including myself who want to go clean this up. But we have to get permission from the landowner. So we’re still waiting on that to take place and they’re reaching out again and from Resource Management on that part of it.
Had a meeting with CEO Rickert. That was really good. And I just got a notification that trash day, we’ve been working on getting a free trash day for the community of Shasta and Keswick. French Gulch kind of already has one. I just got notice this morning. It’s going to be on April 21. They’re putting the flyer together. Hopefully by the end of today, we’ll have a flyer. As soon as that flyer gets together, we’ll get it to the PIO and we’ll get it up on our Facebook page and Instagram pages and get that blasted out to the community. I’ll probably do a press release on it as well because we want people to out in the community to take advantage of this and each person can take one dump load in. So keep you posted on that.
And the last thing I want to do is tell you guys, this is the week of the young child. We had a presentation last week. If you have children or grandchildren or great grandchildren or you know somebody with children have them go to the First Five, First Five Shasta Facebook or Instagram page and you’ll find a QR code in there and they can click on that and get all the events that are happening. These events are gonna go all the way through Saturday and they’re all day long. There’s different type of events with these kids and it is a great thing to do so with that, chair, it concludes my report.
Supervisor Kevin Crye, District 1: These are in no particular order, but I attended on Saturday, the Shasta County Chambers event up in McArthur. That was actually a great opportunity for me the first time as chair being able to get up to Burney and Fall River and hearing some various business owners and even just some private citizens concerns. A lot of things actually came around Resource Management and Public Works type of things. So it was great to be able to go up there, talk to the business community, see what things we can do to help them. And you know, if you don’t drive out there very often, I would encourage you to do it. I mean, I haven’t been up to Fall River probably in over 15 years, but you forget that sometimes that’s still Shasta County when you’re talking two hours outside of the heart of District 1. Also Corky Harmon, candidate for District 3, was up there as well.
I had a meeting with Joanna Francescut as well as Laura Hobbs and Supervisor Garman and myself, just talking about one thing I think everybody wants to do no matter what side of quote unquote the aisle you’re on when it comes to voting is be able to, everybody come to a consensus and put it behind us and move forward. And that everything is fair, honest, transparent. And one of the things that came out of that, which I brought to CEO Rickrrt’s attention was the SB 1328. And that was the first I had heard of it. One thing I will say if you, if you followed my particular election, weeks before the final ballots were cast, I actually said I would either lose by 113 or win by 245. But I said, realistically, I think I’ll probably win by a 35 votes. And I said that three weeks before the final tallies came out and I wound up winning by 50. The reason I could do that mathematically is you could look at precincts, you could look at voter history, you could look at when people cast their votes and I could surmise very closely and I had two or three other individuals helping me with that. But that’s because we have access to the cast vote record. And when I heard that SB 1328 was taking that away. I mean, that is like the absolute opposite of what we should be doing when it, when it comes to voting. I mean, we should continue to make things more transparent, more open. So that way people are brought into that process. So I appreciate CEO Rickert getting on that so fast and actually putting it in your report today that we would send a letter of opposition for that. I mean, it just absolutely makes no sense why people would, would go that direction.
The third item is I’m working with the sheriff’s office on an item that we’re going to bring forth April 23. I’m looking very forward to that sheriff’s office has been great. The sheriff in particular who’s here. So, thank you, Sheriff. So that will be coming on the 23. I did have my event on Friday, but really that was an opportunity just to get people together and start having conversations. And really if you attended, I know some of you did my coffee on Friday at Kaleidoscope on Athens 8:00 and do it every Friday. We had a reporter there from Dallas, Jessica from Vote Beat and it was an amazing conversation because the way she came in to the event versus how it ended over three hours later, I think is exactly what this community needs. This community needs to start sitting down having conversations trying to understand other people’s point of view. We don’t have to agree, but we have to start really getting along because if we don’t, it’s just gonna just constantly be turmoil.
And honestly, as Supervisor Garman mentioned is the week of the young child. And that was one of the things as chair that I was, one of the three things that were most important to me was improving the lives of kids and families. So with that also, there’s a community schools grant that’s working its way through SCOE which we have no jurisdiction of, but we do take money as HHSA so I’ll be bringing something back on the 23 concerning that because one thing is I’m always going to be very, very loud when it comes to what we’re doing to our kids and parental rights. So any chance this border, at least I have to mind that gap and protect our kids. I will be looking for that on the 23. Lastly I met with Supervisor-Elect Matt Plummer last week and had an opportunity to kind of sit down and hear some of the things that he wants to do in 2025. So that was positive … Oh, I have one more thing done and I did meet with Joe Larmour yesterday as well as Dave Rickert and welcome Joe.
(22:12) Public comment began again. There were two speakers. Dawn Duckett requested the election commission be disbanded and that attacks on the elections department end immediately. Christian Gardinier requested that two supervisors be sent to the CSAC meeting. “then please drop the attack on elections. Drop the attack on the State of California. Drop the elections commission immediately.”
The board passed a motion to send the letter that CEO Rickert mentioned.
(27:48) R2 Receive an update from the Sheriff’s Office regarding Ardent Security providing inmate security services at locations outside of the Shasta County Jail
(Sponsored by Supervisor Crye).
No Additional General Fund Impact
No Vote
Captain Logan Stonehouse made the presentation, saying the use of Ardent Security had positively impacted the sheriff’s department both monetarily and in terms of freeing up deputies to do work rather than sitting with inmates at the hospital.
(30:09) There was one public commenter, Christian Gardinier, who felt the security at BOS meetings should be by sheriff deputies, not hired private security. Captain Stonehouse returned to the podium to say the request to use private Ardent Security was at his request and has been beneficial to the sheriff’s department.
Board Matters Continued
(35:48) R3 Discuss options regarding the preservation of election records and/or other voting materials from the June 2022 Statewide Direct Primary Election and consider providing direction to staff (Sponsored by Supervisor Jones).
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
Supervisor Jones made the presentation.
Supervisor Jones: When we take a look at the election code, what it does say is that that the ballots must be destroyed or recycled within 22 months. My request here is that from board by board action that we save the remaining materials that are available to us outside the ballots which would be the envelopes, electronic images and anything else related in the June 2022 primary election. The ballots, the way I understand it and the way I read the election code, shall be destroyed but it does not say any of the other election materials will. And so my request here today is to save for a period instead of 22 months, 60 months, all other election materials with regards to the June 2022 primary.
(37:24) County Counsel Joe Larmour: I do want to talk about the election codes that are implicated. Election code 17 301 deals with ballots and materials that are related to a federal election election code 17 302 which are for local elections only which have some different provisions. The election that you’re speaking of has both federal and local.
Ultimately, the definition of paper ballots is laid out in elections code 19 2 71. The state has provided a memo dated September 9, 2022. The Attorney General’s office and the chief elections officer under both 17 301 and 17 302 have provided a list of mandatory destructions. Those are voted polling place ballots, paper record copies, voted ballot by mail, voter identification envelopes, provisional voter ballots, provisional ballot vote, identification spoiled ballots, canceled ballots, unused vote by mail ballots and ballot receipts.
Supervisor Jones: Does it say electronic images?
County Counsel Larmour: It doesn’t mention electronic images. However, when you’re reading the intent of the legislation, it was for finality that these documents would no longer exist, but it doesn’t specifically mention it.
(39:01) There were eight public commenters, all of whom were in favor of retaining the records for different reasons.
After the eight speakers there was a discussion about whether a person could comment without having previously submitted a request card.
County Counsel Larmour: The board is allowed to adopt the rules and those rules are mandatory upon those who come in. They have a right to speak, but they have a right to speak when the board as a whole and their adopted rules say they have a right… there are specific laws that allow the board to adopt policies and procedures to conduct their meetings.
(57:38) ROV Joanna Francescut: I just wanted to provide a little bit more information to you before you make this decision. So in June 2022 we used the Dominions voting system. That’s proprietary software and at this time, we executed a termination agreement for that you guys approved. That requires us to destroy this record as soon as legally possible. Also, for us to have access to the record, we need Dominion software. So we do not have that software in-house, we’re only retaining it for court purposes. So at this point, unless we destroy this right now, and if you want to view this documentation in the future, we would have to reach out to Dominion, create a contract with them, get their software here in place in order for us to view these images or look at the documentation. So I just want to make sure you guys were aware of that before you made your final decision.
(58:38) Supervisor Jones: So for the June 2022 primary, do have we still retained the envelopes for that federal election?
(58:44) Joanna Francescut: Yes, we have, we are required by law and we’re also required by law to shred the envelopes as well. It’s in the list of documentations at 17301.
(58:54) Supervisor Jones: 17301 is with regards to federal elections and it says that only the paper ballots are required to be destroyed. Nonfederal elections which is 17 302 is separate. So the only thing that the way I read 17 301 is destroying the paper ballot, it doesn’t say and that was a federal election. I think there’s a difference in the two there. So I still believe that we have the ability to retain at least the envelopes, and whatever else that we can outside the paper ballots because it was a federal election and that is 17 301.
(59:34) Joanna Francescut: I’m not gonna give Supervisor Jones legal advice. That’s not my job. But can you confirm 17301 B 4 for me?
(59:44) County Counsel Larmour: Yes, 11730 B4 vote by mail, voter identification envelopes are included. One other point for the board and it, it would come up if this were to be approved. If the board votes to approve this item, it would b, tan advisory to the elected official. There are California laws which essentially allow you to oversee the elected officials. But when they have a mandatory duty under the law, they would be able to carry that out even against the board’s vote. So it would be advisory and our office would definitely discuss with the elections office what the board had brought forward.
(1:00:30) Supervisor Garman: My question was, is this our jurisdiction? Meaning basically, if we vote to say, ok, we’re keeping the envelopes. This is still her obligation to shred those envelopes under the law otherwise, or the elected officials over there are going to risk themselves of being in trouble.
(1:00:55) County Counsel Larmour: Well, it’s the elected official has the authority to exercise their discretion under the law. Ultimately, one other option here for the board is to direct staff to take legislative action to the state through the county organizations to make an attempt to change this law to match what this board would like.
There was a discussion about what it would cost to recover information from Dominion.
(1:02:50) Supervisor Kelstrom: I want to save as much information as we can, but I think what Joanna just told us is that if we save the electronic record, we’re not going to be able to view it unless we enter into another contract with Dominion. So it’s just something to keep in mind. I mean, I want to save as much as we possibly can take a, you know, have a record as much as we can, but just keep that in mind .
(1:03:12) Supervisor Jones: I’m not sure that that isn’t our information. We did pay for that contract, we paid for that. And so I still believe that is our, that is our information. They may be in control of it, but I believe it is ours.
(1:03:26) Supervisor Crye: The one thing is if you license software, if you license software and that license runs out, it’s like Microsoft word. I could have a great document in word. But ifI don’t pay for the license of Microsoft, I can’t access that word unless I exported it some other way.
(1:03:46) Supervisor Jones: I’d have to look back at the Dominion contract and see how it was done.
(1:04:40) Supervisor Garman: in order to bring this back, it’s gonna cost us more money, which we’ve already spent enough money in elections.
(1:04:46) Supervisor Jones: Well, I don’t. I don’t think it’ll cost us more money.
The BOS continued to argue about whether there would be more money spent to access information from Dominion.
(1:05:56) Joanna Francescut: To use the license we have to pay for that use of the license.
The BOS continued to ask if County Counsel would have any input to elections. Supervisor Crye continued to ask if there would be a problem delaying the shredding of ballots that was scheduled for April 10 at 8:00 a.m.
(1:07:55) Supervisor Crye: And as a reminder, we keep our governments always completely on time.
(1:08:02) Joanna Francescut: So, so just to confirm, my staff are the hardest working staff in this and we work really hard to make this… So if we do that, it’s going to be additional shreds, additional shredding because right now we’re shredding both our unused ballots as required by law from this last election that we’ve had, I had to wait until after the process was done for that process. And so then I’m going to bring the company back again in a couple of weeks to do that. So that’s where it’s going to cost a little bit of extra money. But I can talk to Cathy Darling Allen and we can research a little this a little bit more, but just as a reminder, this is a federal election. We’re following federal laws, not just state laws. [Crye continues to ask about a delay.] So what’s not in here is there’s also fines that are associated to elections officials if they don’t follow the federal law. And so there’s other things in play here besides just this here and just what our needs are right now. So we’re trying to follow that law and have the highest integrity as possible by following and administrative elections by following all federal state and local law. And that’s always our goal here. So I just want to clarify that. So following the law is the highest integrity, it’s always been our mission here at the elections office and that’s always been the registrar of voters’ goal, right? And so we wanna make sure that we’re following these laws.
(1:12:44) Supervisor Jones made a motion to delay the shredding for two weeks. It passed 3-1 with Garman dissenting.
(1:15:32) R4 Receive a presentation from the County Public Information Officer regarding the County’s new Customer Service Survey (Sponsored by Supervisor Kelstrom).
No Additional General Fund Impact
No Vote
Shasta County Public Information Officer David Muang made the presentation. This is “a community satisfaction survey for residents who are served by the county departments to provide their feedback…Flyers with the survey QR code have been distributed to all departments to display for guests in their lobbies or at their front desk. That QR code works now for anybody who wants to give it a try and test it out. The survey link is also available and featured on Shasta county.gov, the main Shasta County website.
(1:24:10) There was one public commenter.
(1:24:30) R5 Receive a presentation from Support Services regarding the Shasta County Job Seeker Resource Page.
No Additional General Fund Impact
No Vote
Director of Support Services Monica Fugitt made the presentation about the new page on the Shasta County website.
During the Public Comment Open Time period, the public may address the Board on any matter not listed on the agenda that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors. Each speaker is allocated three minutes to speak. Those wishing to participate in Public Comment – Open Time must submit a speaker request card to the Clerk of the Board before the meeting begins. All speaker request cards submitted after the meeting begins, will be heard by the Board once all items on the agenda have been considered. Any public comment not heard prior to the 12:00 p.m. recess, will be heard after the Board reconvenes from Closed Session and all agenda items have been considered.
There were sixteen public commenters, most of whom spoke about the election/voting.
(1:45:26) Laura Hobbs: I’d like to explain. I did not move forward with the recount yesterday because the acting ROV refused to allow complete transparency in how the batches were selected and set aside for counting. Serious discrepancies were found in the computer records of both the audit log as I just described in the cast vote records. Because the ROV refused to share their list of batches without the payment of $8600, it was impossible for me to ascertain if the batches and the precinct in my district would be counted in their entirety.
(1:50:39) Pauline Arellano spoke about a monument dedicated to the military that had been in the library and went missing. CEO Rickert stated they are working with Veterans Service Office and the City of Redding for potential options and will bring this back to the BOS.
(2:08:43) Patty Plumb: I think what was shared and discussed to say no, thank you to the state system. We don’t want to do it your way because we don’t believe it’s correct or constitutional.
The following Consent Calendar items are expected to be routine and non-controversial. They may be acted upon by the Board at one time without discussion. Any Board member or staff member may request that an item be removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion and consideration. Members of the public will be provided with a single opportunity to comment on one or more items on the Consent Calendar before the Board’s consideration of the Consent Calendar. Those wishing to participate in public comment for the Consent Calendar items must submit a speaker request card to the Clerk of the Board before public comment for the Consent Calendar begins. Each speaker is allocated three minutes to speak. All speaker request cards submitted after public comment for the Consent Calendar begins, will not be heard by the Board.
Clerk of the Board
Health and Human Services Agency-Behavioral Health and Social Services
(2:23:46) C4 Take the following actions: (1) Ratify the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA), Behavioral Health and Social Services Branch Director’s signature on the California Department of Health Care Services grant application; (2) accept the grant award in the amount of $5,268,887; (3) approve the subcontract retroactive agreement with Advocates for Human Potential, Inc (AHP); (4) approve the Subcontractor Certification Clause; and (5) designate signing authority for amendments and other related documents.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
C7 Adopt a proclamation which designates April 2024, as “Fair Housing Month” in Shasta County.
No Additional General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
There was one public commenter.
Items C4 and C7 passed by unanimous vote.
County Administrative Office
(2:28:11) R6 Adopt a resolution acknowledging Eric Marler for the donation of radio equipment and infrastructure.
No General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
Deputy County Executive Officer Stewart Buettell made the presentation.
Stewart Buettell: By approving the resolution today, the board will conclude a culmination of efforts over the last three years between Mr. Marler, the Auditor-Controller, County Counsel, Public Works, the Health and Human Services Agency, Day Wireless and the County Administrative office.
It passed by unanimous vote.
County Clerk-Elections
(2:30:51) R7 Approve a retroactive grant agreement with the Center for Tech and Civic Life for a $1,500,000 grant and select a spending plan for the funds.
General Fund Impact
Simple Majority Vote
There were two public commenters before the presentation, both in favor of approving the grant.
Joanna Francescut made the presentation. This is an item that had previously been on the BOS’s agenda but was tabled and brought back.
After the presentation there were two public speakers who thought if the grant was accepted, it should be spent on things other than the election department.
There was considerable discussion about whether the grant could be patially accepted or diverted to other things. In the end two line items were removed from receiving the grant money and the motion was passed, 3-1, Jones voting no.
The Board of Supervisors will recess to a Closed Session to discuss the following item (estimated 45 minutes):
(Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1)):
Name of case: Clinton Matheson v. County of Shasta
California Land Stewardship Council LLC v. County of Shasta and its Board of Supervisors
Kropholler v. County of Shasta, et al.
There was one public commenter on Closed Session item R8.
(Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2)):
Exposure to Litigation: Two potential cases
(Government Code section 54957.6):
Agency Designated Representatives:
County Executive Officer, David Rickert
Personnel Director, Monica Fugitt
Unrepresented Position:
Title: County Counsel
At the conclusion of the Closed Session, reportable action, if any, will be reported in Open Session.
(3:14:29) The board returned from closed session.
Senior County Counsel Trisha Weber said County Counsel Larmour was conflicted out on the Kropholler matter and there was no reportable action on R8.
County Counsel Larmour returned. There were no reportable actions.
(3:15:20) Public comment resumed. There were two commenters about Supervisor Crye’s recent win against a recall.
(3:23:07) ADJOURN
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