On Saturday, Dec. 9, Cottonwood Community Library will host a ‘Winter Wonderland’ event.
In years past, the library has sponsored a tour of various homes in the community, but this year everything is happening in one place, the home of Library Board Member Wade Crabtree.
Crabtree’s large home will be beautifully decorated for Christmas, in several different areas and many different ways. Crabtree has put together 44 Christmas Trees, most of which are decorated according to a different theme, such as ‘Old Fashioned Christmas’ or ‘A Champagne Toast.’
The largest of the trees is 15 feet tall.
Crabtree’s 4300 square-foot home, which is located in rural cottonwood, will be decked-out from top to bottom. The décor includes antique collectibles, as well as more modern pieces, such as a set of Mickey Mouse ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’ China.
The event lasts all day, but there are three opportunities to take it in. The morning session, from 8 to 11 a.m., will serve breakfast tidbits, juices, coffee, and mimosas. The cost of the morning session is $25.
The afternoon session, from 1 to 4 p.m., will serve tea-time snacks and beverages. Ticket price for the afternoon is $35. The evening Session, with a cocktail party feel, will run from 6 to 9 p.m. Tickets for this session cost $50.
Tickets for the event are available in person at Cottonwood Community Library, located at 3427 Main Street in Cottonwood, and online by visiting cottonwoodcommunitylibrary.com
Chad Grayson has worked as a phone service rep for various tech companies, a gas station attendant, a middle school language arts and history teacher, and even spent one night cutting the mold off the cheese at the cheese factory. He currently works part time at the local library, and spends the rest of his time writing, reading, hiking, gaming, painting miniatures, and binge-watching Netflix. His superpowers are procrastination and dyscalculia.