Date: May 19, 2021
Contact: Cathy Darling Allen
Shasta County Clerk/Registrar of Voters
The proponents of the recall efforts filed the proof of publication and the draft petitions for Supervisors Chimenti, Moty, and Rickert on May 13, 2021.
After review of the documents filed, it has been determined that the recall proponents have complied or substantially complied with the requirements imposed by Elections Code sections 11020 and 11022 when they published their notices of intention on May 6 and 7, 2021.
There are some deficiencies with the draft petitions, and we have provided the proponents with the requested changes. They have until May 28, 2021 to complete those changes and submit the new draft copies of the petition for approval.
The Office of the County Clerk is responsible for maintaining the list of voters and conducting elections, in addition to a host of other duties. Many of our duties include facilitating citizens to petition their government, whether that is through casting their ballot or calling for a recall of a local elected official.
I, and every member of my staff, have sworn an oath to uphold our US and California state
Constitutions, and to defend our republic from all enemies. I believe that defending the right to petition the government is absolutely essential to fulfilling that oath.
By the nature of what it is, the effort to remove an official from office is divisive. We have had more than our fair share of divisive issues at the forefront of public discourse in the recent past. I’d encourage all Shasta County citizens to think about how we can each be active and productive citizens of this republic that is so fragile. We can disagree without being disrespectful. This office will remain respectful and neutral so that we can administer the process in a fair and equitable manner.
Each of us owe that to each other and to the founders of this great country, and more than anything, to our children and those who come after us.
More information and the Notices of Intention mentioned above are available here:
General information about How to Recall a Local Official is available here:
Questions should be directed to