Sandbag and Sandpile Locations in Shasta County

As we prepare for the pending winter storm, the Shasta County Sheriff’s Office would like the public to make note of the following list of places in Shasta County where sandbags can be obtained. Please note that some locations require you to have your own bags and/or shovel. Please be aware of what items you need prior to arrival. Sandbags will be available as long as the supply is on hand. Sandbags and sand can also be purchased at several Shasta County landscaping supply companies.

The Shasta County Sheriff’s Office wants to remind the public that although the immediate concern is the possibility for snow, the weather forecast this week also calls for heavy rainfall to follow.

Bella Vista: Bella Vista Fire Station Co#33 SCFD
2202 Hwy 299E, Bella Vista
Contact: 225-2411
Pile location: West side of fire station next to the propane tank Bags: Inside fire station

Burney: Burney Fire District
Contact: 245-6070
Pile location: Northwest of the substation Bags: Located by rear door of the substation
City of Redding Corp Yard Building #3: Old Airport Rd @ Abernathy (Bring bags and shovel)

City of Anderson Across from the City Corp Yard on Barney St. (Bring your own shovel)
Cottonwood-Cottonwood Fire District #23
3271 Brush Street, Cottonwood
Contact: 225-2411
Pile location: Behind fire station on North/East side of Pine Street, access is back way into fire station, pile between fire engine bag buildings that face south. Bags: Inside fire station

French Gulch-French Gulch Fire Station Co.#59
14363 Cline Gulch Rd, French Gulch
Contact: 225-2411
Pile location: East side of driveway not blocking any engines or bays. Bags: Inside fire station

Mountain Gate Fire Station Co. #41
14508 Wonderland Blvd
Contact: 225-2411
Pile location: Behind the fire station. Bags: Inside fire station

Palo Cedro-Palo Cedro Fire Station Co.#32
9418 Deschutes Rd, Palo Cedro
Contact: 225-2411
Pile location: edge of driveway at far west end of the parking lot by the garage. Bags: Inside fire station

Shingletown: Shingletown Volunteer Fire Station #20
32249 Hwy 44, Shingletown
Contact: 225-2411
Pile location: parking lot Bags: Inside fire station

West Redding: Cal Fire Shasta Trinity Unit-Station 58
16064 Homestake Rd, Redding
Contact: 225-2411
Pile location: East end of facility past all the buildings Bags: Next to the sand

Shasta County Sheriffs Office