Shasta County Passes 4,000 Cases, 250 Over the Weekend


Numbers from Friday & Saturday provided by Shasta County Health & Human Services.

COVID-19 INCIDENT UPDATE: November 23, 2020
Statistics from November 20 and 21, 2020
Total Confirmed Cases: 4,147

Hospitalized in Shasta County: 51

In Isolation: *

Active Cases:  561 (see note below)

Confirmed Cases Friday and Saturday: 242 Friday, 8 Saturday (see note below)

Currently in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU): 6

In Quarantine: *

Released from Isolation to Date: 3,543

Negative Tests Wednesday-Saturday: 2,490

Negative Tests to Date: 79,923

Total Tests: 84,070

Deaths: 43

• We had 250 cases on Friday and Saturday, including 124 men, 124 women and 2 people of unknown gender:
9 children under age 13
15 teenagers
62 people in their 20s
46 people in their 30s
40 people in their 40s
31 people in their 50s
28 people in their 60s
13 people in their 70s
2 people in their 80s
1 person over age 89
3 people of unknown age

• We are sorry to have report another death today. The patient was a woman over age 89.

• About the data: The confirmed case numbers for Saturday are much lower than expected due to a scheduled update in the state electronic Laboratory Reporting System, when no case transmission occurred between labs and the State Disease Registry. We expect to see an increase as these cases enter the system. Today’s active cases are an estimate based on cases remaining active for a 10-day period. This number is only an estimate and the count of active cases in the community is likely larger. Isolation and quarantine numbers are still not available due to the
very high number of cases.

• COVID is spreading rapidly in our community. This is how long it has taken to reach these numbers:
First 1,000 cases: 206 days (March 8 – Sept. 30)
Second 1,000 cases: 28 days (Oct. 1 – Oct. 28)
Third 1,000 cases: 16 days (Oct. 29 – Nov. 13)
Fourth 1,000 cases: 7 days (Nov. 14 – Nov. 20)

• COVID-19 is spreading across California at a pace we haven’t seen since the start of this pandemic, and we can help stop the surge. Gatherings of multiple households contribute to the spread of COVID-19. The new statewide curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. is designed to reduce community spread, protect higher-risk people and prevent the healthcare system from becoming overwhelmed. If people stay close to home, we can decrease transmission, hospitalizations and deaths. #StopTheSpread

Press Release

-from press release