Statistics compiled by Shasta County Health & Human Services.
COVID-19 INCIDENT UPDATE: October 20, 2020
Statistics from October 18 and 19, 2020
Total Confirmed Cases: 1,786
Hospitalized in Shasta County: 10
In Isolation: 132
Active Cases: 142
Confirmed Cases Sunday and Monday: 42 Sunday, 21 Monday
Currently in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU): 2
In Quarantine: 407
Released from Isolation to Date: 1,615
Negative Tests Sunday and Monday: 503
Negative Tests to Date: 57,796
Total Tests: 59,582
Deaths: 29
• We had 63 new cases on Sunday and Monday, including 26 men and 37 women. They are:
7 children under age 13
5 teenagers
10 people in their 20s
8 people in their 30s
13 people in their 40s
9 people in their 50s
7 people in their 60s
3 people in their 70s
1 person in their 80s
• Shasta County has dropped into the purple (“widespread”) range after Tuesday’s statewide data update, though our numbers are improving. Our adjusted case rate decreased from 17.6 to 15.5 daily cases per 100,000 residents, but is still in the purple range. Our positivity rate also decreased from 8.1 to 5.8 percent, which is in the red (“substantial”) range. Tiers are assigned based on the most restrictive measurement. These numbers are a seven-day average with a seven-day lag (Oct. 4-10).
• As a result, the following changes are required by Friday (the complete list is at, select “Roadmap to Recovery”):
-Bars/breweries/distilleries with no meal must close.
-Restaurants, museums, zoos, aquariums, places of worship, movie theaters, gyms and fitness
centers, wineries, family entertainment centers and cardrooms can only be open outdoors.
– Retail and shopping centers can be open indoors at 25 percent capacity.
– Personal care services, including hair salons, nail services, tattooing, piercing and electrolysis, can be open indoors.
• Testing volume can make a big difference in a county’s case rate. Shasta County had a 22.9 case rate this week, but because the county’s per capita testing volume is higher than the state average, it was reduced to 15.5. To get a test, go and click “Get tested” for options.