City of Redding Addresses Faith-Based Assembly at Sundial Bridge

On the evening of July 22, 2020, a large crowd gathered under the Sundial Bridge to worship together. The City of Redding was not consulted in the planning of the event, no permits were issued or requested, and no permission was granted to host the event at the Sundial Bridge. Citizens have the right to peacefully assemble without prior approval. A permit is required only when the organizer is requesting special services or dispensations. This was not supposed to be the case in yesterday’s gathering. Permission was not requested or granted by Mayor Adam McElvain or any of the City Council members, and the event was not sponsored by the City of Redding.

The City of Redding encourages everyone in the community to do your part to help slow the spread of the virus by washing hands frequently with soap and water or using hand sanitizer, wearing a face covering when in public spaces, and maintaining six feet of distance from others.


Press Release

-from press release

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