Total Confirmed Cases: 21 (1 today)
Travel Related: 4
Person to Person *: 0
Community Acquired **: 2
** Not travel related or contact to known case
* Contact to a known case
Isolation: 16
Quarantine: 71
Recovered: 2
Deaths: 3
Public/Private Negative Lab Tests: 462 (16 today)
Situation Summary:
•Shasta County has one new COVID-19 case during this operational period. The patient is a man in his 90s who is isolated at a medical facility.
•Through the investigation process, Shasta County public health officials have discovered that a higher than expected number of positive cases in Shasta County are linked to Faith Assembly Church in Redding. Members of this church may be at higher risk of carrying COVID-19, particularly if they attended a weekend event there on March 14 and 15, and they should inform their close contacts and social circles that they may have been exposed. The church has been diligent in notifying members who were at those church events, and it has not held any church-sponsored events since that time. Close contacts of all positive cases have been quarantined. “We are impressed with how proactive the church has been since learning about the first case in their congregation,” said Public Health Branch Director Brandy Isola. “We have community transmission in Shasta County. We recognize that there is less than ideal testing capacity in our county, state and country. This means that there are cases of COVID-19 in our community that Public Health has not been notified about. It is critically important that everyone stay at home except for essential services, follow social distancing practices when it is necessary to go out and practice excellent hygiene.”
Unified Command Agencies: Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency, CalFire, Shasta County Sheriff
Cooperating Agencies:
City of Redding
City of Anderson
City of Shasta Lake
Mercy Medical Center Redding
Shasta Regional Medical Center
Redding Rancheria Tribal Health Center
Shasta Community Health Center
Mountain Valleys Health Centers
Mayers Memorial Hospital District