Trails along the Sacramento River are a gift. They give us beauty and tranquility. The river trail beginning at the Diestelhorst Landing Trailhead is especially unique.
This north trail runs just short of a mile to the Harlan Trailhead entrance. The first 10th of a mile is elegant. I refer to it as Elegance Lane. It runs behind the Senior Citizen Center and the Elks Lodge where you’ll pass between two sets of stylish, metal archways. However, Elegance Lane has lost some of its luster.
A few trees and brush have been cleared. And a large concrete bench behind the Elks Lodge was once fashionable. But flooding two years ago started erosion beneath the bench’s concrete platform. It’s been fenced off and is waiting for funding. One of my pictures shows the bench when it was in style. It was relaxing, and even a romantic spot.
Go past Elegance Lane another 10th of a mile. There, the Carr Fire stopped burning along the northern bank of the river in July of 2018. This time of year you’ll see a lot of dry grass.
The trail parallels the Mora Court Subdivision and Lake Redding Estates. So along the trail you’ll see homes. A few backyards open to the trail and have a beautiful view of the river.
At one point, you’ll come to a relaxing bench overlooking a lagoon. In this peaceful setting, you might see ducks, frogs, or turtles, and hear the subtle sounds of birds chirping. It’s also home to the river otter. You could get lucky and see deer in the area.
A little farther past the lagoon, the trail curves and exits onto Harlan Drive. Go left a short distance down the dead-end street to a cul-de-sac. The street’s south side is lined with burned redwood trees from the Carr Fire. There, the Harlan Trailhead starts and takes you to the Stress Ribbon Bridge. At the Harlan Trailhead entrance is an old, stone drinking fountain. After a cool drink of fresh water, my dog Bodie and I turn around and head back to Diestelhorst Bridge, enjoying the trail in the opposite direction.
These pictures were taken in mid- to late-spring. At the end, I’ve tossed in a few photos of fall along Elegance Lane taken a few years ago. Elegance Lane is a must-see in early to mid-spring, and in the fall.
I enjoy exploring our river trails. I feel grateful to be alive and have the opportunity to relax and feel nature’s peace. For some, this beauty is literally in their backyards.