FEMA to test Emergency Alert System October 3

On October 3, 2018, The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) system.

The test will assess the readiness to distribute an emergency message nationwide and determine whether improvements are needed. The test messages will be sent using FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS), which enables authorities to send emergency messages to multiple communications networks, including the EAS and WEA as part of the nation’s modern alert and warning infrastructure. The WEA test message will begin at 11:18 a.m. PDT. The EAS message will be sent at 11:20 a.m. PDT.

The Shasta County Sheriff’s Office, along with allied public safety agencies, would like to take this time as well to remind all Shasta County residents to be ready for any event. Whether it’s floods, earthquakes, or fires, everyone should have a plan of what they will do in the event of an emergency. Being informed of current emergency situations and having a plan will keep your family safe.

Another way to stay informed is to register your cellular devices so you can receive emergency alerts from the Community Notification System (CNS,) which is operated by Shasta Area Safety Communications Agency (SHASCOM.)

If an emergency alert is issued through the CNS, it can send a notification to specific streets, neighborhoods or communities without alarming those areas not in the path of danger about specific events happening in their communities.

Although the CNS will automatically reach all hardwire phone lines to your house, it does not automatically alert cellular devices unless they have been registered in advance. You may register your cellular devices to receive text and voice notifications by going to http://www.shascom911.com and click on the CodeRED icon at the bottom of the page. By having your cellular devices registered you should receive the notification of the event occurring in your neighborhood, whether you’re at home or at the grocery store.

Registering your cellular devices for emergency notifications is a free service that can be done by computer or smartphone. If you need any assistance with the process, please contact SHASCOM at 530-245-6512 and leave your name, home address or address you want notifications about, cell phone number and wireless service provider name.

Press Release

-from press release