Come “check out” the Human Library event on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at the Shasta College Library. The Human Library is a group of volunteer people who serve as “books” that are on loan to readers for a 15-30 minute conversation. During this time questions are expected, appreciated, and answered in a safe and respectful environment, often in a small group setting. This style of event was originally developed in Copenhagen and is designed to build positive opportunity for conversations that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue. Please come, choose a book that might challenge a stereotype you have or a perspective you’d like to understand more, and spend some time in conversation. Potential Book Titles include:
- Formerly Incarcerated
- Transgender
- Veteran – Vietnam Era
- Second Generation American
- Climate Change Activist
- Anxiety
- Foster Youth
- Muslim
- Not Housed
- Physically Disabled
This event is sponsored by the Office of Student Equity and Inclusion. For further information, contact us at or (530) 242-7618.