Celebrate National Park Week with the Whiskeytown Waterfall Challenge


WHIS_50th_Cent_2The National Park Service invites visitors to celebrate its 100th birthday by taking the Whiskeytown Waterfall Challenge during National Park week, which begins Saturday, April 16th and runs through Sunday, April 24th. Visitors can complete the Whiskeytown Waterfall Challenge on their own by obtaining a free Waterfall Challenge Passport at the visitor center or by obtaining one on a ranger-led hike. With the passport, visitors can hike to Brandy Creek, Boulder Creek, Crystal Creek and Whiskeytown Falls and stop at the trail register located at the base of each waterfall. Each register has a unique bronze plaque which visitors can use to create a colored impression within their passport. Once all four waterfalls are complete, visitors can then return the passport to the visitor center to receive their completion stamp and a special gift (while supplies last). The challenge can be completed during multiple visits, or, finish them all in one day for bragging rights. Join a park ranger for free ranger-led hikes to the park’s four major waterfalls, including ADA accessible Crystal Creek Falls. During Waterfall Week, weekend hikes will be offered on the following dates and times:

Saturday, April 16th – Whiskeytown Falls at 9:30, Crystal Creek Falls at 1:30.
Sunday, April 17th – Brandy Creek Falls at 9:30, Crystal Creek Falls at 1:30.
Saturday, April 23rd – Boulder Creek Falls at 9:30, Crystal Creek Falls at 1:30.
Sunday, April 24th – Whiskeytown Falls at 9:30, Crystal Creek Falls at 1:30.

Boulder Creek Falls

To reserve your spot, please call the visitor center at (530) 246-1225.

During the weekdays, park rangers will be hiking the waterfall trails to provide information, answer questions, and share stories about the waterfalls of Whiskeytown.

In celebration of National Park Week, Saturday, April 16th and Sunday, April 24th, will be a fee-free period for Whiskeytown and all 410 National Park units. This will be a great way to explore and learn about the national treasures and wonders found throughout the country.

For additional information about the Whiskeytown Waterfall Challenge, please contact Matt Switzer at (530) 242-3454. To learn more about Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, visit the park’s website at www.nps.gov/whis. For more information on National Park Week and the National Park Service Centennial, please visit: www.nps.gov/npweek, www.nationalparkweek.org., and https://www.nps.gov/subjects/centennial/index.htm.


Press Release

-from press release