City of Redding to Step Up Water Conservation Enforcement


City of Redding water customers have done an excellent job of limiting outdoor irrigation to reduce water consumption during this critical drought. Even during the record heat of June, customers came within 6 percent of the 36 percent reduction mandated by the State of California. However, while most residents appear to be complying with the odd/even watering schedule, some continue to stretch the rules or ignore the rules altogether.

Until now, the City has enforced the restrictions by responding to formal complaints of code violations with warning notices, certified letters, and penalties. This has helped reduce city-wide water consumption but has left many violations unenforced and the 36 percent conservation mandate unmet.

As a result, the City of Redding has engaged a local private security firm to help with the enforcement effort. Representatives will check neighborhoods and identify obvious code violations, resulting in stepped-up enforcement of the City’s Water Shortage Contingency Ordinance. Residents will be subject to the current enforcement process, receiving an initial warning, followed by a certified letter and ultimately a citation for continued violations.

City staff has developed a plan to ensure 100 percent coverage the City of Redding water service area. The water service area is divided into 17 neighborhoods, with each subject to a minimum of three separate field inspections. Observers will be on the lookout for gross violations of the Water Shortage Contingency Ordinance. Gross violations include: watering on the wrong day for the address, watering at the wrong time, anyone watering on Monday (no outdoor watering day), overwatering to the point of runoff, and poorly aimed sprinklers. The observers will provide a report of violations at the end of each review, with City staff following up on the information.

Field inspections are scheduled to begin Wednesday, July 15, in selected neighborhoods. All City of Redding neighborhoods will be checked during the course of the effort.

The City of Redding is serious about meeting the state mandate for a 36 percent reduction in overall water usage. The rules prohibit gross water waste and a significant reduction in the amount of water used for outdoor irrigation.

As a reminder:

Even-numbered addresses may water on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday only.

Odd-numbered addresses may water on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday only.

No one is permitted to water outdoor landscapes on any Monday.

Permitted time to water is between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. only.

Overwatering to the point of run-off is prohibited.

Conspicuous watering of streets and sidewalks is prohibited.

Reminder: No irrigation during rainy weather

With welcome rain dampening the region this morning, City of Redding water customers are reminded to avoid outdoor irrigation for at least 48 hours, as required by state regulations.

Drought restrictions placed into effect earlier this year by the state prohibit outdoor watering within 48 hours of a measurable rain event. Redding received about .04 inches of rain this morning, and additional rainfall is forecasted at least through Friday.

City water officials remind customers to turn automatic irrigation controllers off for the 48-hour period or utilize a “rain setting” if available. If all City customers were to avoid irrigation through Saturday, a savings of as much as 60 million gallons could result, according to Redding Water Utility Manager John Wendele.

Additional information is available online at www.cityofredding.org

For more information contact:

John Wendele, Water Utility Manager, 224-6068

Pam Clackler, Public Works Supervisor, 224-6068

Jon McClain, Assistant Public Works Director, 224-6068

Press Release

-from press release

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