Do you have a play you would like to see produced at the Riverfront Playhouse? Have you ever wanted to direct a play? Bring your suggestions to the Riverfront Playhouse’s annual pitch meeting, Sat. Feb. 21.
In reply to ReddingSkeptic. You are still trying to robe corrupt politicians in cloaks of public service and integrity. There's a point where even you know that's a Fairy Tale. I think you passed it months ago. Lack of agenda items? An "event" on the steps? Bring positive solutions? I'm a Redding Skeptic alright. Vote […]
Another opportunity for aggrieved white Republicans to piss and moan about the erosion of their self-defined status as The Only True Americans. In other words, yet another MAGA bitch-fest. :::yawns::: Need to fix the headline. It’s not “Jone’s.”