On November 11th, 1918 at 11 AM the armistice ending World War I took effect. That day later became a national holiday, first called Armistice Day and later Veterans Day. Ten years later on November 11th, 1928 two veterans of that war, who were living in Redding, began a tradition of giving a toast to their comrades both living and passed.
Eighty four years later the Redding Elks Lodge continues that tradition. On Sunday November 11th the public is invited to share in a Cognac toast to our veterans. The activities will begin with the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem. All adults 21 and over are invited to share in the cognac toast. Sparkling Cider will be available for younger attendees. The toast will be given precisely at 11 AM.
Following the toast, lunch will be served, which is also open to the general public. The cost of the lunch is $6.00. No reservations are necessary. All proceeds will go to the Veterans’ Cemetery in Igo.
We ask that the general public and press join us for a pleasant and reflective Sunday morning honoring our American Heroes
For additional information contact Bill Jacobson (530) 941-6414
-from press release