Oct. 28 Women’s Fund Sponsors Community Forum on Poverty


What: Women’s Fund Sponsors Community Forum on Poverty

When: Oct 28, noon to 1:15 p.m.

Where: Community Room at the Redding Library

More info: If you plan to attend or want more information, please call 244-1219 or email stephanie@shastarcf.org.

“Poverty in Our Area: The Facts, Faces and Implications is the subject of a Community Forum to be held on Wednesday, October 28 from 12 noon to 1:15 p.m. in the Community Room at the Redding Library.  A brown bag lunch will be available for $4.

The forum is sponsored by the Women’s Fund of the Shasta Regional Community Foundation.  It is the first in a series of speakers’ forums bringing together local and outside experts to discuss complex problems facing women and families in the area.

The speakers will be Vicky Lovell, Senior Policy Analyst at the California Budget Project in Sacramento, and Marta McKenzie, Director of the Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency.

Poverty continues to be a challenge for our area, with major implications for women, families, and communities.   The speakers will discuss the magnitude of the problem in our area, the scope of local programs and services, the impact of recent State budget cuts, and several state and federal initiatives that could help more women and families achieve economic self-sufficiency.

Ms. Lovell specializes in work-related issues at the California Budget Project, which engages in analysis and public education to improve public policies affecting low-and middle-income Californians.  Prior to joining CBP, she was Study Director at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research in Washington, DC.  She received a Ph.D. in public administration and policy from Portland State University and B.A. from Pomona College.

Ms. McKenzie oversees the Departments of Mental Health, Public Health, and Social Services for Shasta County.  A Redding native, Ms McKenzie received her A.A. from Shasta College, B.A. from Chico State, and master’s degree in public health from the University of California at Berkeley.

The Women’s Fund was founded to address the persistent challenges facing women and families in the greater Redding area, and to seek solutions through the power of collective philanthropy.

The Shasta Regional Community Foundation is providing funding for the forum.