Corner Booth: Mystery Tour

Kelly was out of town over the Memorial Day weekend and our sons were busy with their friends, so it was very quiet around Casa Brewer. I had a strange earache all weekend, which gave me the perfect excuse to lie around, reading.

I gobbled up several mysteries from the Redding Library:

“Sanctuary” by my pal Ken Bruen, the Irish crime author with the terse, tense style. This is the latest in his series featuring Jack Taylor, a former member of the Guards, former drunk and reluctant private eye. In this one, Taylor is targeted by a killer who sends him a letter first, indicating a number of planned murders. Bleak and wonderful, as usual.

“Chasing Darkness” by Robert Crais. Latest in the Elvis Cole private eye series. A man is found dead, an apparent suicide. At his feet, a photo album showing seven female murder victims. I always enjoy this series, but this time I saw the big twist coming a mile away.

“Pursuit” by Thomas Perry. I was 30 pages into this one before I was certain I’d read it before. I’d recommend it, though. It features a guy named Prescott who hunts down killers by being just as bad as they are. Good stuff.

“One Good Turn” by Kate Atkinson. I’m reading this one now. Lives intertwine after a road rage incident in Edinburgh. Kelly’s read several of Atkinson’s novels, and speaks highly of them.

Next up: “Master of the Delta” by Thomas H. Cook.

  • The Denver Nuggets made the Los Angeles Lakers look bad in Monday night’s game, winning 120-101. The Nuggets got great help from their bench and dominated the boards. Usually, how much I like a player is in inverse proportion to the gaudiness of his tattoos, but I’m becoming a fan of Chris “Birdman” Andersen.
  • Anyone else getting tired of those Coors Light commercials that feature the label that turns blue when the beer is cold? They act like you might be poisoned by a beer that’s not cold enough. And who is that gimmick aimed at, anyway? People with no sense of touch? If you’re drinking beer out of an aluminum can, I’m guessing you’re not the picky type.

Tips appreciated: Send news tidbits to steveb.anewscafe@gmail.com.

Steve Brewer

is the author of CUTTHROAT and 17 other books. Read more of his columns at http://stevebrewer.blogspot.com/, or follow him on Facebook.

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