Saturday’s Art Hop Features Adoption Awareness


Just one look at their emotion-filled faces and you’ll be smitten. Their soulful eyes betray the smiles on their faces. These are the children of Shasta County who need forever families—who need to be adopted—and they’re all on display in the Heart Gallery at the Village Schoolhouse Toys downtown from 6-9 p.m. November 8.

During the month of October, Troy from Hawkman Studios taught a series of classes for adopted children of Shasta County in three different age brackets. The goal at Saturday’s Art Hop is to feature artwork by these talented kids, as well as remind patrons that November is Adoption Awareness Month, and there are plenty of amazing children who need forever families.

100 percent of the proceeds from the artwork on sale at Art Hop will benefit the Heart Gallery. There will be original art, as well as greeting card reproductions available for sale that evening, as well as at The Sweet Spot and Lilliput. The event is co-sponsored by Shasta County Adoption and Lilliput Children’s Services. Mickey Harris, Adoptive Parent Liaison for Lilliput, says the Heart Gallery’s main goal is to generate interest in adoption. “It’s so cool,” Harris says. “These potential parents see the beautiful faces of these kids, and it promotes interest when maybe they hadn’t thought of it before.”


The mission of the Heart Gallery is to inspire people who otherwise might never see themselves as adoptive and foster parents. The idea began as a means to raise awareness about adoption and find homes for older children and siblings groups in protective custody. Photographers donate their time and talent to capture the essence of the child who needs a forever family, then exhibits it in various settings. Once the child finds his or her forever family, the portrait is theirs to keep. Does it tug on the heart strings? Absolutely.

During Adoption Awareness Month, many programs are happening right here in Shasta County. There will be displays, presentations, and public speakers, such as Alison Larkin, “The English American,” who will be performing her stand-up comedy about her own adoption.

“There is so much going on,” says Harris. “The more we can make the community aware, the better placement we get for these kids.”

So stop by Village Schoolhouse Toys in Downtown Redding Saturday night during Art Hop and check out some of these beautiful faces as well as some fantastic, original art! These kids are worth it. The Heart Gallery is displayed at various businesses throughout the North State. Look for the full display at the Shasta County Library through Thanksgiving. They are always looking for places to display the gallery, as well as photographers who will donate their time.

For more information, go to www.adoptions.co.shasta.ca.us

2nd Saturday Art Hop. November 8, 6-9 p.m. The Village Schoolhouse Toys.

Melissa earned her B.A. in journalism and her M.A. in English from CSU, Chico. She spent time in Las Vegas working as a college English instructor and a magazine writer and editor. Melissa currently teaches at University Preparatory School in Redding, performs in local theatre and writes for Enjoy Magazine.

Melissa Gulden

earned her B.A. in journalism and her M.A. in English from CSU-Chico. She spent time in Las Vegas working as a college English instructor and a magazine writer and editor. She teaches at University Preparatory School in Redding, performs in local theatre and writes for Enjoy Magazine.

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